Risk Register

The following is a sample risk register for the implementation of a survey management system.

# Risk Event or Condition Consequence Probability Impact Risk Level Risk Modification Plan Risk Owner Residual Risk




Risk Level
1 System cannot be implemented before fire code warning grace period. As determined by failure to comply with fire department order. Medium Medium Medium Mitigate risk by beginning vendor evaluations immediately. General Manager Medium High Medium
2 System cannot scan in old paper surveys. As determined by failure to comply with fire department order. Low Low Low Avoid fire code violation by obtaining off-site storage for paper surveys. General Manger Low High Medium
3 New system is not affordable. Manual process will remain in place. Medium High High Re-assess requirements and budgets. General Manger High High Medium
4 Nice to haves become must haves. Project stops. Low High High Restart requirements gathering Business Analyst Low High Low