Block Brute Force WordPress Login Attempts




Even with the best WordPress security plugins, your WordPress website is still vulnerable to brute force login attempts. These attacks often come from dozens of sources (DDOS). They’ll keep hammering your login page until they get in. Some hackers consider this a challenge!

While your security plugins may save you from bad logins, they won’t block the extra load that these hackers are placing on your server. So even if they don’t get in, they’re still affecting your WordPress website!

I Can Stop Brute Force WordPress Login Attacks!

This is not a plugin, nor a technique that will be lost with future upgrades to your WordPress website. This technique will block every single computer in the world from accessing your login page with no impact to performance and speed.


  • You’ll need to provide me with FTP access to your website. I don’t need your WordPress login, your cpanel login, or anything else – just FTP.
  • You’ll need to provide the IP address(s) of the computer(s) you want to be allowed to access your WordPress administrator screens. Don’t know your IP? Go to
  • Dynamic IPs (i.e. your cell phone) will be blocked.
  • If you need to change the allowed IPs, simply purchase this service again.